Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

...Robert Frost...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Through course of conversation with my 16 year old Mr B, he randomly announced that sometimes I dress weird. Whoah, wait!! What do you mean? He couldn't give an exact example. But it got me thinking.It must have been that Katies shirt! I should never have shopped there. Mum shops there. What am I doing shopping there?? But I kinda like that shirt.....

So I had a look through my closet, flicked through my photos. Do I really look weird??

(Masquerade Ball)

(Ummm, I really can't explain this one)

(Where's Wally- book week at school a few years ago)

Nope.. No idea what he's talking about.

I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror. It's like you hit the big 4-0 (which I may or may not have hit) and then everything just gives up.
First it's the eyes. Wrinkles underneath, bursting out to the side. Then the neck and chest area. That can't be happening. Crevices (running basically from my navel to my chin) when I wake up that take half the day to dissipate. They say photos don't lie, but when I look at photos I really, REALLY hope they do. That can't be me. That's not how I imagine myself in my mind.

Reality is

Fortunately there is no grey hair yet. I wonder if I'm going to be able to embrace my inner grey when the time comes...

Sigh. Seriously, how/where do you shop when you hit this in between age? What do you wear that isn't dowdy but not inappropriate? I've googled, I've observed, I've bought magazines and I still seem stuck. Doesn't help that I live in a small town with small options. Not that I want to become consumed with what I wear. I just want to not age before my time. This is what I wore today.

Digging into the files

Is it really that weird??

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